Like I said somewhere in the posts that follow (oh there are a lot) I wasn't the best picture taker this holiday season. But we loved it. It was probably one of my favorite trips home just cause I am broken, so I couldn't do much so it was really mellow but we still got to see and do a lot. We drove home from Salt Lake on our anniversary. I can hardly believe we have been married for 4 years. When I think about all thats happened in those 4 years I am suprise it's only 4 but it doesn't feel like that long. I guess that's a good sign :) we went out to dinner and a movie Saturday night (we got to hang out a lot this trip so fun) And then had a million things to do on Sunday before we left. But we are grateful for all our fabulous people that bring so much to our lives.
Just our little update. Andrew is so big... he says the funniest things these days. Yesterday Berkelee got in trouble because she was trying to wear the babys clothes and we she went to her room he looks at me and says I choose not to do that because I just wanted to play power rangers. :) Oh goodness. Berkelee is very much in the terrible stage of two, lucky for her she's cute. She is still as cute and busy as ever and one day might even be potty trainned. Brandon is a worker... we don't see to much of him, but he does come home in a pretty good mood so thats a good sign, oh and he got a new office. We brought him so treats yesterday so we could sneak a peak it was pretty nice. As for me I am offically broken again... this week I am skimming the surface of preeclampsia. I think my body is just done being pregnant but the good thing is that little baby is still growing strong and now they wont let me go past my due date so I can't have more than 37 days left if it's not less so hey there really is always some good in everything :)
Speaking through song lyrics
7 hours ago
I love the new pics! Your kids are so cute!
I'm glad that you can find a silver lining even when you are broken!
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