Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Confessional


I confess...

That I was the biggest slacker for st patricks day
Oh we all had on green-Andrews was a stripe, Kinlees were polka dots mixed in with pink ones, you get the idea
It's all cause crab is my name and crabbiness is my game
I remember when I was a nice girl
Those were the good old days
Instead now I'm a grumpy girl who gets sick to much and cant have chocolate
One day when I'm hot it will be worth it
Until then it just adds to my crabbiness
Oh porr Eric feel out of bed last night
This isn't anything new Eric seems to fall when he is just standing there
But last night he sratched up his eye
Its so sad
But he is a trooper
Welp... my crabbiness is contagious and all 4 kiddos a screaming so I must quit confessing


Mom of 12 said...

Oh Em,
You are a hottie! You just forgot...don't sweat the small stuff. Everything will work out ok in the end. Now go make a comment on my blog so you can win the contest this week!

Bossy said...

Now I feel bad. I was hoping the cupcakes would make your life easier not make you feel like a slacker. You see my kiddos are mostly independent these days and no one cares if the house gets clean here. I don't have a job and I have lots and lots of free time to do silly pointless things that make me feel useful. That being said please don't beat yourself up.

Happy Mom said...

We all have those days. I call them my fire breathing dragon days. Sometimes I tell my kids that in 10 seconds I will turn into the wicked witch of the west. Thats when they run to bedrooms to hide and play happily. As my kids have gotten older I have those days less and less. Hang in there!! I think you are a wonderful, cute awesome mom!!!