Well after twenty weeks of contractions today was suppose to be a happy day. But because I am the coolest person on the planet, contractions are not enough, today is not a happy day. You guessed it... baby Eric is never coming out! My doctor said because of the way my uterus is tilted that the baby isn't low enough for him to try to induce me. Meaning he will next week cause my baby is huge (an ultra sound last Monday 8lbs 9 oz) and my body can't take going past my due date but by inducing me I will either be there forever or end up having a c-section in the end. Fun huh! He told me to try to be active but my fabulous contractions and head aches (from my boreder line blood pressure problem) make that so much easier said then done. So obviously it will be a fun week...
Get a good movie, nice comfortable blanket, bowl of your favorite icecream and enjoy so time to yourself!
I so feel for you hun!
Well it looks like you are not even DUE for another week. I had a baby a week LATE...as long at the baby is heathy and good you should be HAPPY right? The bigger the baby is the better they sleep at night!! my 10lbs 4 oz slept through the night from a week old on. I am sure everything will work out, you can always get a blessing :)! Patience is important!
10lbs 4oz! Wow! See, Em...8lbs 9oz isn't that bad. Not when you're thinking 10/4. Just keep thinking 10/4. :)
I wish you the best this week. Take it easy.
I think that a blessing it a great idea! If nothing else it might at least help you be able to bear you burden a little easier this week.
I'm sorry your baby is being stubborn. At least you know he's healthy, though. That is the most important thing. It sounds like next week will be the end, so you should try to relax and just pamper yourself!
Well if it's any help at all... A c-section isn't that bad at all! I wasn't expecting to have one at all but really the recovery wasn't so bad! Good luck either way!!
It's only horrible because I have been contracting and in and out of the hospital for the last 20 weeks because of the kidney stones and infections. My body is having a really hard time with it. But healthy is what I am shooting for in the long run. Berkelee was a week late and was 8 lbs 5 oz and kicked my bum... what can you do I will forget all this drama in about two weeks right :)
No, it is ridiculous. I went through the exact same thing with Bridger, for a month he was low and I said we need to have him it is time. I am contracting and it was "too early" and then he was too high and I wasn't dilating and they still induced me so we could try. Even though we eventually ended with a c-section. And I was induced three weeks before my due date. I am so sorry dear. Em with you problems promise me you will have them check Eric's hematacrit before you leave the hospital.
I am not going to tell you that c-sections aren't that bad. I know how frustrating it can be to have no choice in the matter. If you need to talk about this you can call me.
As for bigger babies sleeping through the night I think it is all an individual baby thing. My 10 lbs 14 oz baby screamed through the night until he was 14 months. He also screamed through the day too.
I'm hear if you need to angry vent.
Oh Emily, I am so sorry this is so hard. I will be praying that the baby will soon be born.
Good luck this week! I hope your baby comes soon!!! I'm excited to keep in touch through our blogs. I'll add you to my list!
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